My main hobby is flight simulation and  I’ve develped many addons for various platforms over the years. These projects include both freeware and commercial releases. One of my favourite platforms is the the famous Microsoft Flight Simulator series. Although Microsoft closed the franchise a few years ago Lockheed Martin is using it as the core of a training platform called Prepar3d. With more than 100,000 downloads the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz has become by far my most popular contribution to the flight simualtion community. It can be found at all major flight simualtion related sites globally and it is currently used as a training asset by various civilian and military organizations.

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In 2013 I released the first ever simulator to include the entire surface of planet Mars. Using real topography data from NASA I created a simulator that allows players to feel the experience of exploring Mars withow any limits or boundaries. More information about Mars Expedition1 can be found here on this website: http://marsexpedition1.com/


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Back in the Early 2000’s while I was beginning my carrer in the animation/vfx industry I also worked as a CGI illustrator for various magazines in the US, including Lucasfilm’s Star Wars Insider.

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